Nicole Phelps: Enjoying Every Moment of Motherhood

This week we chatted with NICOLE PHELPS.
TINY TAGS: What has been your greatest joy since becoming a mom?
NICOLE: Since becoming a mama my greatest joy is watching Boomer grow into his own person.
TINY TAGS: What has been the most challenging part of motherhood?
NICOLE: The most challenging part of motherhood is making sure I am taking “me time!” I love my baby and my husband and I want to give both of them all I have, so there are times where Michael has to remind me it’s okay to be selfish and do something for myself.
TINY TAGS: Motherhood seems to have come very naturally to you and Boomer seems like such a happy little boy. Did you have a role model growing up?
NICOLE: My role model growing up was my grandmother. She had seven children of her own, she adopted one of my cousins, and (of course) helped to raise all the grandchildren AND great grandchildren. Her home was always filled with people, family, and friends! She cooked and cleaned for everyone and always had a smile on her face.
TINY TAGS: Any advice for future moms?
NICOLE: The best advice I can offer future moms is to enjoy every moment of the process. There will be days that are easy and days that are hard, but being a mommy is the most rewarding thing in the world!
TINY TAGS: What charities are near and dear to your heart?
NICOLE: A charity near and dear to my heart is the Michael Phelps Foundation. We are working to help promote healthy, active lives for children by teaching them water safety and the sport of swimming. We lose too many children in our country and around the world to drowning and this needs to change.