"Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded."
- Jess Lair
Melissa Clayton is CEO and founder of Tiny Tags, her “heart and soul and an absolute extension of what is in her (my) heart." A former CPA who is passionate about entrepreneurship and sharing the lessons she has learned along the way with other women. A semi finalist in Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year 2018 New England Regional Award and a sought out speaker on entrepreneurship, Melissa has been featured on NBC Today Show, NBC Boston and NY Pix 11. Melissa spoke at the 2017 Massachusetts Conference for Women and has been interviewed by Entrepreneur Magazine, Inc and many more.
"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."
- Babe Ruth
Mike runs the finance and operations functions for Tiny Tags. He joined Tiny Tags to help Melissa pursue her entrepreneurial dreams and to start a new chapter in his working career.
Together, they have created a wife and husband team and get to spend an incredible amount of time together (😉) and with their three boys, Tyler, Trey and Tristan.
Born in Upstate New York, Mike is an avid lacrosse player and coach. He enjoys coaching multiple youth teams and is an advocate for the growth and development of lacrosse.
Mike still plays and travels to “old man” tournaments which means he is usually complaining of soreness and taking trips on the 'whambulance'.
Mike has more than 20 years in corporate finance and accounting, graduated from Duke University and received his MBA from Northeastern University.
Kate Duffy is the Product Development Manager of Tiny Tags. Raised under the warm Southern California sun, she quite inexplicably moved to the frigid Northeast with her husband and kids four years ago (she’s still not sure how this happened).
In her previous life, Kate worked as the Manager of Marketing at a private equity company in Beverly Hills.
She has a BA from Arizona State University and an MA in Psychology from Antioch.
When Kate isn’t working at Tiny Tags or hanging out with her kids, she enjoys sports (watching them), the sun (being in it), reading (actual books), the beach (any beach), bubble baths (it’s the little things) and summer thunderstorms.
Product Development Manager
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
- Maya Angelou
Marketing Manager
"She believed she could, so she did."
- R.S. Grey
Romy is the Marketing Manager at Tiny Tags. She was raised in sunny Arizona, where she spent most of her time indoors partaking in competitive cheerleading!
She was presented with the opportunity to work for Inside Cheer Magazine, where she then developed her passion for social media, content creation, and writing.
Romy studied Journalism at San Diego State University, where she balanced school, reporting for the Daily Aztec Newspaper, work, and the cheer team!
Since graduating, Romy has worked for different companies specializing in social media management, content creation, digital marketing, and more!
When she's not working at Tiny Tags, she enjoys participating in anything active! You can catch Romy hiking, attending a spin class, or her personal favorite - long distance running!
Last, but certainly not least, Romy loves nothing more than spending time with her family - including her niece Charlee (pictured).
Betsy was born and raised just outside of beautiful Boulder, Colorado. She met her husband, an active duty Air Force officer, while attending the University of Colorado.
She has enjoyed being a military spouse and living all over the United States as she and her husband raise their three children.
She embraces the unique circumstances and challenges that come with being a part of a military family, and strives to put down roots wherever they may go.
Having friends and family all across the country and the world, she is always looking forward to their next adventure and loves to travel as often as possible.
When she is not shuttling her children to and from their various endeavors and cheering them on, she enjoys crafting and decorating.
Customer Service Manager
“Mothers hold their children’s hand for a while, but their hearts forever.”
- Unknown
Fulfillment Supervisor
“It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters."
- Epictetus
Sarah is a proud Rhode Islander who has lived in the state for most of her adult life. She is the mother of three: Sam, Sabrina and her beloved Chocolate Labrador, Maxine.
Her passions include reading and coaching sports - spending 19 years coaching, playing and serving on the board of an all-girls and women's baseball league.
In 2016, Sarah had the opportunity to bring a team to San Diego for the Youth All Star Classic - an incredible accomplishment as this was the first year girls were allowed to play!
Sarah loves the beach and spends time there year-round. Intrigued by all things ocean and space related, she believes that the smell of the ocean is good for the soul!

14k Gold Mini Dog Tag Necklace (1-3 Tags)