Tiny Tags Village
As a member of our village, you will get early access to sales, events and all things Tiny Tags plus earn points every time you shop.
Loyalty FAQs
A few simple answers to your questions on our Loyalty program.
If you already have a Tiny Tags account, you have been added to the Tiny Tags Village Rewards Program. If you have not created an account, you can create an account here: www.tinytags.com/account/register
Great news! If you made purchases while logged into your Tiny Tags account, you have been granted points for those past purchases. Points are only received on past purchases made while logged into your Tiny Tags account. Unfortunately, purchases made as a guest and/or not logged into your account; cannot redeem points.
Redeeming points for rewards couldn't be easier! Sign into your account and select the reward you wish to redeem from the dropdown menu upon checkout. Once selected, the credit will be automatically applied.
Happy Birthday! Points will be added into your account 30 days from the day you submitted your date of birth.
Nope! That’s the best part about being a rewards member! This is our way to thank you for being part of our Tiny Tags Village. You will always have an opportunity to earn more points by shopping with us and engaging with our community.
We want to make sure you get all your points so please make sure that you are signed into your rewards account and did not accidentally check out as a guest. You must be logged into your account when making purchases in order to earn points. Please contact info@tinytags.com if you need further assistance.
Rewards points discount codes can be used with some site discounts - exclusions do apply.
If you are returning an order, we will refund you the total dollar amount spent after the discount was applied. The points you used to redeem the discount will also be added back into your account!
Thank you so much for telling your friends about us, it means a lot! Referred friends must be a first time customer in order for the both of you to receive referral rewards. In addition, the referral must be initiated through our rewards referral box on your personal rewards page. Please note that points will be added to your account as soon as your referral completes their first purchase on our website. Once completed, you will receive an email letting you know that one of your referrals made a purchase using your code and that the reward was added to your account. You can always check your Rewards History to see a list of any points that you have received for referrals.
Yes, your Tiny Tags reward points will expire after one year of inactivity. Inactivity includes not interacting with our program i.e., placing an order, redeeming points, etc.