Kirstin Czernek for Tiny Tags x Target

Before becoming a mom, I struggled with knowing it would come naturally to me. It’s part of the reason why we waiting so long to start a family, I had fears about whether or not I would be nurturing and be able to be everything my kids needed. We started the adoption process from foster care and even though I felt all the subtleties of this in my heart, I kept taking he steps forward in the process. And then something happened, I met my daughter Mia for the first time and she was the key to unlock this part of my heart that I didn’t even know existed. The love came flooding in, all fears about being nurturing drifted far away as I fell in love with my sweet girl.
Then her biological brother Kai was born and we were given the opportunity to adopt him as well and keep them together, we said yes. A month later, he came home to us and once again holding a key to a new facet of my heart, being a mom the a sweet baby boy who completely stole my heart within moments of meeting him. It was an instant connection, our hearts were connected, I automatically could anticipate his needs and even though we didn’t have the connection of biology, it didn’t matter, you could never convince me that they weren’t mine.
A year after both Mia and Kai’s adoptions were finalized, I found out I was pregnant. We were excited to continue to grow our family and Mia and Kai were excited to have a baby sister. When I was 20 weeks pregnant, we found out that Aria had Down syndrome. It took a little while for me to process and many of those old fears crept up, but then she was born. The moment she was born and they placed her in my arms, I looked into those beautiful almond shaped eyes and again a new facet of my heart was unlocked to my sweet baby girl with Down syndrome.
This key also unlocked my life to the world of special needs and the most beautiful group of people that I had so much to learn from. There is nothing like the love between a mother and her children and even though our story is unique, all of us moms share in the fact that our children hold the keys to our heart and we would never be able to unlock these areas of who we are without them.
Kristin's Look!
Mama Key Necklace
3 Name Script Nameplate Necklace
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