Neferteri Plessy: Founder of Single Moms Planet

Neferteri Plessy is a mom of two and founder of the nonprofit Single Moms Planet. At Tiny Tags, we find her so inspiring because she’s dedicated her life to supporting single moms and giving them the resources and encouragement to live their best lives with their children.
You inspire moms through the work you do, what led you to start?
My true fire kicked in after becoming a mom. That's when I realized that it was my responsibility to provide for my children. I knew I had to take charge of my life in a powerful way, and I had to match it with divine action. It's my vision that moms all around the world are empowered to live a life of financial freedom and family legacy.
What is your favorite part of being a mom?
The choice to choose my family and my children daily. Knowing that I'm part of the development of the leaders, fathers and providers of tomorrow.
What is your #1 mom tip?
Check in with your children, allow them to give you feedback on how you are showing up as a mother in their world. Raising children is a collaboration, not a dictatorship.
Who are some moms who inspire you?
Christine Michel Carter, #1 global voice for working moms
Blessing Adesiyan, Founder Mother Honestly are two women who really inspire me.
Have you asked your kids how they feel loved? What did they say?
No, I actually ask my children how do you know you are loved? This question is key. I want my children to know how to identify a love that is healthy. I want them to know what love looks and feels like. Love is a sacrificial action word, not just words. People can come into our lives with the desire to manipulate us with the term love. When I've ask my children to share how they know they are loved they express how their father and I show up in their lives, how we spend time with them, take care of them and do fun things with them. They have even said that when we discipline them they know this is done out of love and they need it. This was very interesting to me when my children expressed love as a form of discipline. They understood that creating boundaries of disciple with children takes another level of commitment and care.
How will you celebrate Mother's Day this year?
Mother's Day this year will be spent at a local resort with my mother and children. We will spend the day poolside, relaxing, listening to my children laugh, play and enjoy the pleasures of childhood.
You can find Neferteri here: