A Difficult Journey to Motherhood

We all think it is so easy- starting a family. Babies are born every single day and birth is commonly referred to as the “everyday miracle.” But for my husband and I, as well as so many other couples out there, “easy” was nothing more than wishful thinking! I met my husband over 10 years ago when I was 16. We both worked at a movie theater together and become the best of friends. That friendship grew to be so much more than we could have ever imagined. Fast forward a decade later and we found ourselves struggling to start a family during our first year of marriage. What a hard, heartbreaking year it was. We suffered from two back to back miscarriages that my doctors could not explain. It really took a toll on us. Wasn’t the first year of marriage supposed to be sunshine and roses? I’m here to tell you that it is not always the case for everyone!
After getting our hopes up and crushed with the second miscarriage, we decided to stop trying and started to just focusing on us and our marriage. We went to counseling with our pastor and just enjoyed being together and married. It was like I fell in love with my husband all over again. How he was there for me and just loved me through it all no matter what. Low and behold a few months later, without even trying, we became pregnant! We were overjoyed! We immediately told our family and a few close friends who shared in their excitement along with prayers for a healthy pregnancy. Fast forward 9 months and she finally made her arrival after 3 long days in the hospital- Hannah Grace Anderson was born. She was absolutely perfect. Gods promise to us fulfilled. We couldn’t take our eyes off of her. We still find ourselves staring at her even in her sleep every night. She is everything we have ever wanted and then some.
The journey in starting our family was never easy, but more than worth it. I have a forever friend in my daughter and I will always support her hopes and dreams, but above all, I will always love her and carry her next to my heart. I do this everyday with my Tiny Tag necklace with her initials and birthday. Forever etched in my heart and on my necklace.