A Mother’s Hope for a Child—My Dream Come True

A Mother’s Hope for a Child—My Dream Come True
My husband and I were married on October 24, 2009, I had just turned 37. Soon after our honeymoon, I was pregnant. But sadly, it wasn’t meant to be. Time passed and in a few months I was pregnant again and we couldn’t have been more excited. But two months later, that perfectly strong heartbeat was gone. I took this loss terribly. I was heartbroken and inconsolable.
The reality of my age—now nearing 40—set in. My doctor suggested seeing a specialist who informed me that my chances of ever having a child were very slim due to my medical history. I was devastated and had some of the darkest days of my life.
One day, my husband came home with a little gift for me, a circle necklace with the word ‘hope’. My husband wrote me a beautiful note to go with that necklace. Some of his words to me were, “Wear this, Diane, and believe. Don’t give up. One day, you will be wearing our child’s name written in gold around your neck.”
After so many years, “my dream came true” on January 8, 2013 and my little girl was born. When they placed her in my arms, I cried and those were the first words I said to her (after I told her “Mommy loves you”). On this past Mother’s Day, I opened the most beautiful gold necklace, with our daughters name and birthdate with the most precious words engraved on the back “my dream come true.”
Thank you, Tiny Tags for my BEAUTIFUL necklace, there are no words to describe what it means to me!!! To all who struggle, may you never lose hope!!
If you or someone you know is struggling with fertility issues, please visit www.resolve.org for more information.