Three Survivors and Three Daughters

My mom was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer in the Spring of 2006 and she survived her battle heroically, as have my friends two moms. These two women are role models to me just like my mother. The three of us daughters have a bond like no other and we will never take the moments we get with our moms for granted.
In October of 2015, the three of us were asked to be part of Runway for Recovery. Runway for Recovery is an amazing event where breast cancer survivors walk the runway to remember their fight, and where family members walk in honor of those who have passed away. The three of us were asked to walk hand-in-hand with our moms. Right before we walked on stage, our moms presented us each with a special Tiny Tags. Tears filled our eyes as we saw that each Tiny Tags had our initial on the front and the nautical coordinates of Westport on the other. Just like Westport, this event will forever be special to me and now this bond is not only inside us, but it is shown on the outside whenever we wear our special necklaces.