Honoring Roi

I keep thinking to myself, “this is not how it’s supposed to be,” but yet this is my reality - miscarriage. Grieving the loss of a life you’ve never known but feel intertwined with. Grieving what would have been. Grieving the reality of not holding my baby on this side of heaven. I planned on getting to make a pregnancy announcement, but instead I got to share that I do not grieve without hope.
Hope that His plan is greater. Hope that I will be a mom one day. Hope that Heaven is nearer than I think. The Lord's provision through His people, the strength of my husband, the nearness of family, comforting words from women who have walked this road before me, and the prayers of many have carried us through and I know they will continue to.
I will forever think about and love my sweet babe. I was given the "R" Mini Initial bracelet from by my mom in honor of Mother's Day. We decided to name our little boy Roi after "El Roi," which means the God who sees. God saw our baby boy even though we didn't get to see him. This gift came at the most timely manner.
We want the life of our unborn son to be one that is remembered and talked about. This bracelet is the perfect way to keep his memory living on. Every time I look down at my wrist, I am reminded of the gift it was to carry him in my womb and the hope of seeing him again one day.