I Am Because You Are

I Am Because You Are
I always knew that I wanted to be a mother. There really wasn’t a particular reason why, but simply a feeling inside that life would never be complete until this happened. The moment that I found out I was pregnant brought an overwhelming amount of emotions, the main one being disbelief that what I had dreamed of the most was finally coming true. However, the depth of these emotions would not compare to those experienced the day my son was born. After almost 36 hours in the hospital, he made his way into this world and life as I knew it had changed forever. I had changed forever.
It wasn’t long after our son was born that we knew we wanted to grow our family, and we welcomed another little boy just 19 months later. Being part of the two under two club is no joke, but I would not have wanted it any other way. Our hearts are fuller than we could have ever imagined.
Becoming a mother truly rocked my world upside down. And I mean that in the best way possible. I was not prepared for the type of love I would have for my children. It is pure, boundless, and, at times, downright painful. I instantly knew that there were no lengths I would not go to protect and care for these little humans.
It is still difficult and pretty much impossible to find the perfect words to describe motherhood and its meaning to me. However, at some point, I stumbled upon this phrase “I am because you are” and something about it spoke to me. I did a little research and found that this phrase has been used as the translation for the African term “ubuntu”, which has been described as a philosophy based on the idea of a bond that connects all humanity.
To me, this powerful phrase most closely describes how I feel about my children. Through them, I have found myself. I have found my purpose. They continuously shape who I am, how I look at life, and my hopes for the future. They have shattered almost all expectations of what I thought my life would look like and have created a vision where every ounce of my being is dedicated to giving them the best life possible and making sure they know they are loved beyond measure.
Carrying this phrase along with my children’s initials on my Tiny Tags necklace and having it close to my heart is something that is truly special to me. It reminds me every day of the bond we share and the life they have given me.
With a very full heart,