Melanoma Diagnosis

Melanoma cancer - WHAT?
I was 35, a mom of two little ones, this can’t be true!
I went to the dermatologist every six months because I had precancerous spots taken off prior. My melanoma mole had been there for years but this time it looked like it was “spreading.” I asked my doctor to take it off. A week later, I got the dreaded call, “you have melanoma.” The call that changed my life. It was stage 1a (caught it early) so I had a wide local excision and my margins were clear!
I went from loving the sun to hating it. I now wear sunscreen every single day, big lifeguard hats, always am covered up and stay in the shade. My kids always have sunscreen and hats on as well. It’s our normal everyday routine, they don’t know any different.
I wish I could go back to my younger years and take back all those days of laying in the sun. I grew up in San Diego so spent everyday at the beach working on my tan.
Please, stay out of the sun if you can! Wear sunscreen, a hat and cover up. Your skin is your biggest organ, take care of it.