One Year Later

Dear TT Community,
It's hard to believe it's been almost a year since my son went off to college. I thought it was about time I shared an update. Well, I made it through, just like all the moms before me and all the moms after me will do. My tears did eventually stop, and I settled into this new chapter because frankly, I didn’t have a choice. Most nights when I walk past Tyler’s room, I’m keenly aware that he’s not there and simply wish he was. As mothers, we wonder what our children are doing when they’re not safely next to us and can only hope we’ve taught them well.
As much as I missed him, I was filled with joy because he was growing and experiencing life. Seeing him happy and thriving made me happy. He was doing what he was supposed to do. This time has been a transition and a year of growth for all of us. Tyler grew, and so did I. As my boys get older and have their own lives, I see how important it is that I have my own life too. Gone are the days of being on call 24/7. Now, I find myself alone more often, something I typically don’t enjoy. I would always choose a house filled with children and the ensuing chaos over peace and quiet. The reality has hit me that Mike and I will be empty nesters in two years when our other two boys graduate high school.
This next chapter won’t be easy for me, but what I know for sure is that I am responsible for filling my cup and finding joy—not my boys, not Mike—no one but me. As Oprah has reminded me, the most important relationship we have is with ourselves. I am trying to embrace the journey, and as I always preach, live in gratitude for the gift of my boys. With more time on my hands, I am excited to volunteer more with seniors, nurture friendships, and of course, rediscover my relationship with Mike as we chart this new phase of our lives together.
Lastly, it goes without saying how grateful I am for Tiny Tags. I am forever grateful to have a place to connect with other moms, from those in the newborn phase (please send more pics!) to our grandmas, while celebrating every phase of this journey, it certainly is a gift.
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2025 Tiny Tags