Perfectly Brought Together

Our family’s story, it’s something I will never get tired of sharing! I love how we were all knit together in such a special and unique way. My husband Tomas and I met in college in English Comp 1. We fell in love super fast, like said “I love you” a week later, engaged five months after that, and married the following year! We talked about our future family and what it would be like but knew we wanted to wait awhile since we were both in school. We went onto graduate school and then opened up our own business’.
Ten year later, it was finally time to talk about the kid chapter of our lives. We prayed about it and really wanted to start out family through adopting from foster care. We started the classes, did our home study, and were very quickly matched with our daughter Mia, an 18 month old with big brown eyes! While we were in the process of interviewing for her, we were told that her biological mom was pregnant and that we had to be willing to adopt the newborn baby boy as well. We took the day to pray about it, because going from zero to two kids is a big deal but really felt like these were our kids and we moved forward. We met Mia a week later and fell in love with her, she moved in that day and it was the start to our beautiful journey of her becoming our daughter. Kai was born just one month later, he came early, and we were shocked! He was in the hospital for a couple of weeks and then went to another foster family while some paper work got cleared up. When he was three weeks old he came home to us and it was one of the best days of our life. Both of their adoptions we finalized within that year and we are forever grateful to be their parents.
When Kai was getting ready to turn one, Tomas wanted another baby. He was begging me, so I told him I would give him one chance, well wouldn’t you know I was pregnant right away! We were so excited to continue to grow our family and knew Mia and Kai would be the best big brother and sister. When I was 20 weeks pregnant, I went into my OB for some standard blood work and an ultrasound. At that appointment, they ran a test that checks for indications of Down syndrome. I didn’t think anything of it, and just went on with my life. A week later, I revived a call from the nurse at my OB ’s office saying that the test came back with a higher chance that our baby could have Down syndrome and that we would need to do more tests. I was shocked and devastated, in that moment I knew that our baby girl had Down syndrome. I went on to do a more advanced blood test called a NIPT, that seperated her DNA from mine and checked for genetic abnormalities. We got the call a week later that our baby girl 100% had Down syndrome. I took the duration of my pregnancy to process her diagnosis and try to educate myself about Down syndrome as much as I could. On March 30, 2019 Aria was born, and the second I saw her, I completely fell in love! I quickly realized how blessed I was to be gifted a child with Down syndrome and she has been such a joy to our whole family!
About a year ago we started thinking about growing our family again and really felt like adopting a child with Down syndrome would be such a blessing to our family. We contacted the NDSAN and went through all the steps to become a waiting family on their registry, it is an adoption network specific to adopting a child with Down syndrome. We have been waiting for about a year and completely trust God on the timing of this new addition!
I love Tiny Tags and could not be more obsessed with my Gold Script Nameplate Necklace that has all three of my kids' names on it. It’s so special to me to have a piece of jewelry the represents all of them, I love it so much!
- Kirstin Czernek (@kirstinczernek)