My Dog Rescued Me

While I technically rescued Carly, it’s clear who rescued who. Carly became a member of our family in September 2014. I helped save her life because she came to us with a life threatening case of heart worms. We drove to Connecticut to get a highly sought after treatment, and she received shots in her back that had arsenic in them to kill the ringworm.
Everyone who met Carly would comment that she was an old and gentle soul, and the best dog they had ever met. Looking into her eyes provided a sense of calm and reassurance, a feeling that everything would be OK. We were lucky to have her with us until February of 2020. Those were difficult years, I had to watch my son’s health rapidly decline from a rare genetic syndrome, and my mom and mother-in-law passed away. I know that I would not have been able to survive those trying years without Carly. The number of tears dried in Carly’s fur were countless, the joy and love she brought to our family immeasurable, and she will be forever remembered.
Her time on Earth helped me through countless tough decisions and hard times, and she left at a time when her purpose here was done. I was not ready for her to leave, but also know that I would have never been ready. She was a gift sent to me from a higher power, every day I had with her was a blessing and she made me believe. Believe that I could get through hard times, believe in sacrificing to help others and believe that things will get better. My beautiful Tiny Tags necklace reminds me every day of the selfless compassion, joy and love Carly brought to our family. Who rescued who? The answer to this question is clear.
- Tara