The Price is Right!

My journey to Tiny Tags was a unique one, as well as one of my favorite days.
However, I need to give some background information to really set the stage. We are a military family, consisting of myself, my husband, and our 4 year-old daughter. We were stationed in Portugal when I learned I was pregnant with our second child. We had military orders to move back to the United States for 8 months before moving to Japan. We did the first international move during my first trimester, which did not treat me kindly. I was incredibly ill and my poor husband was having to really pick up the slack. As if this move wasn’t difficult enough, we learned that my spouse would be deploying for at least 6 months immediately after the birth of our second child. So here we were, a recent overseas move (while horribly sick), an upcoming new baby, deployment, and another overseas move to Japan. It all seemed overwhelming.

One day I was watching The Price is Right and I saw an advertisement saying they were looking for contestants, particularly for expectant mothers. I decided to check it out and filled out their 5 page application, figuring what do I have to lose?
The next day I had a phone interview and two days later a Zoom interview. During the Zoom interview, I was encouraged to “show my winning dance” and “show how I would act if I was told to come on down!” My pregnant belly and I had a blast jumping around my living room like a fool cheering at the top of my lungs.

It worked! I was offered to be an audience member on the show and was informed it would be an expectant mothers’ themed episode. To say this was a dream of mine is a complete understatement. I have been watching The Price is Right since I was a little girl. I had my favorite games. I cheered the contestants on. I LOVE the show. I was beyond excited.
The day of the show’s taping, I woke up at 4:00am to make it to Los Angeles from San Diego on time and was a bundle of nerves, but this was when it counted most. We had an in-person interview with the show’s producers and this was when they would be determining who would get to actually be a contestant on the show. I told her our story. I told her how as a psychologist, military spouse, and mother, I rarely get time to myself and I rarely get to do things for me. I told her all about our upcoming deployment and how much of our new baby’s life my husband was going to miss. I talked about how I’m a super fan and all my favorite shows. And then….we waited for the taping to start.
I’m excited to report that I was the third person asked to COME ON DOWN! Literally, this was my DREAM and I sort of blacked out running to my spot. This is where Tiny Tags comes into the picture. The item to bid on was a Tiny Tags prize package, consisting of two of their beautiful necklaces, a bracelet, and a ring. I was the last to bid and, unfortunately for the person next to me, I bid one dollar higher than her. AND I WON! I got to run up on stage with Drew Carey to play for a prize all because of my bid on the Tiny Tags package.
My luck continued from there. I played the game 'Easy as 1,2,3' and ended up winning a 4 piece Gucci bag set, an Apple Desktop computer, and two high chairs. While spinning the wheel, luck was not on my side and it ended my Price is Right run, but I was riding high and feeling good.

Life had felt hard, impossible even. We had been going through so much, and this was such a fun, exciting, beautiful moment that it still gives me chills thinking about it.
I have since received my jewelry that I was able to personalize with my daughters' names and birthstones, and I even put The Price is Right 2022 on the back to really commemorate the day and my experience.
Thank you so much to Tiny Tags for not only helping to make my Price is Right experience memorable, but also for providing me with such wonderful mementos of the day and of my precious daughters who I cannot wait to show the episode to one day!
- Lindsay