You Can’t Make This Stuff Up

Nikki, age 12, was enjoying her very first boyfriend, who was none other than my older brother. I was just 8 years old and idolized my brother’s first girlfriend. We instantly formed a youthful bond that would end up being the foundation of a loving partnership. But first, a quarter of a century would pass by…
We reunited in the Fall of 2008, after a 25 year hiatus. It took only days to rekindle the special connection we knew as children and only moments to recognize our brewing attraction as adults. We were unlawfully married in 2010, in a special ceremony with our close family and friends, and legally married in August of 2013. We have two beautiful sons, Adler, age 5 1/2 and Grey, age 2 1/2. They are the absolute light of our lives.
We reside in Los Angeles where we collaborate in both work and love. Nikki is an agent and producer. I’m a freelance writer. In 2010, our lives were documented on the hit Showtime docu-series, THE REAL L WORD.
– Nikki and Jill