Eddie, Sweet Eddie

Eddie became a part of my life when he was only three months old. At the time he was my son's dog, but between juggling school and work our son didn't have the time to give him the care and attention he needed. It was a blessing in disguise as he has been the light of our lives.
However back in May I found a lump by his ear that unfortunately was a mast cell tumor. Despite having it removed, it sadly reappeared in October. He was given a few steroid injections to reduce the size, however, the side effects were terrible and we made the heartbreaking decision to stop the care. On Thursday December 7th, the vet told me she thought it would not be much longer and he would continue to let us know the status of Eddie's condition. Unfortunately on December 10th, I was hospitalized with stroke symptoms and spent 2 days in the hospital. That same day, Eddie took a turn for the worst and only a day later on my birthday (December 11th) my husband and son had to take him in to end his pain.

My heart breaks that I was not there with him due to being in the hospital, but somehow this necklace helps me know that I was with him and he will always be with me. I'll always remember how Eddie loved to play with his balls and if one was stuck underneath a chair, he always knew when we didn't. When I came home from the hospital the day after his passing, under the chair I sit in every morning was his favorite ball. Since then, I have left it there as I feel it was his message to me that he's okay, and knows I loved him so very much. Every day I wear this necklace and tell him I love him and thank him for all the joy and laughter he brought. He loved to play with his ball in the snow and sure enough, on Christmas morning I woke up to it snowing. To Tiny Tags, thank you for making items like this that bring joy and help to bring peace to a broken heart. I have sweet Eddie in my heart everyday!
- Janice Mohs
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2025 Tiny Tags