I Love You 'Forever Now'

My husband and I spent three years - right after getting married - doing infertility treatments. After 8 cycles and 2 miscarriages we got pregnant with twins! We were thrilled - and found out it was a boy and a girl!
My entire pregnancy went pretty smooth - besides me being nervous about everything! Around 26 weeks I was placed on “rest” due to high blood pressure. My husband was traveling to Boston for work (we lived in Maryland at the time) so he was only home on the weekends. Luckily my mother in law was able to help me and take me to appointments. At exactly 30 weeks I went in for a routine appointment and since my blood pressure was high they sent me to the hospital. Little did I know I would be meeting my twins that day! My husband drove as fast as he could - he turned a 9 hour drove into a 6.5 hour drive - but made it to say Happy Birthday. By all of God's grace our babies were strong and healthy - 51 days in the NiCU and we were all home together.
Fast forward a year and we learn I need to have my pancreas removed due to several other medical issues. The surgery was extreme and would remove not only my pancreas but my gallbladder, spleen, and part of my stomach. The night before my surgery I made my husband promise that if anything should happen to me my babies always knew how much I loved them and how I would always still be with them - so we sang the song “Forever Now” by Michael Buble. The lyrics “no matter what you do, I’m forever proud of you. I love you forever now” stuck in my heart and I always wanted my kids to know this. Luckily the surgery went well and the song has now become our nightly routine. As soon as the song comes on my son, now 2, runs to me and my daughter to my husband. We end all dancing together.
I got a Tiny Tags necklace with the words "forever now" on it because being a mama has forever changed me, forever opened my heart, and forever is my love for those sweet babies. Thank you for making something to wear so close to my heart for those who fill it.