
I’ve been a follower of Tiny Tags for a couple of years and I always knew I wanted a mini dog tag, but never could quite decide on what I wanted. Last year for Christmas, I decided to gift myself one that says “hesed." Hesed is a Hebrew word that is actually hard to translate in English, but it means God’s loving-kindness, loyalty, and mercy. It’s a word that describes God’s covenantal love and commitment to us as believers. I proudly wear my necklace daily and cling tight to its meaning, as I need that reminder daily of how loved and chosen I am by our Creator.
Another item I now own is the script nameplate bracelet and the word I chose for that is beloved, which again goes back to my faith. I especially love to wear the bracelet where it faces me so when I look down, I can read it.
My faith is most important to me and having these special jewelry pieces have helped me in my journey by being a reminder of my true identity in Christ, no matter what difficult season I may be in.