Let Grace Be Grace

I first discovered Tiny Tags through an online influencer and I was immediately drawn to the mission behind the tags. While the journey of motherhood is not yet mine it reminded me that as women, we have been gifted with the instinctive ability to nurture that which has been entrusted to us.

Over the last three years I have been on a journey of self-discovery. One that has challenged me to start peeling back the layers of my conditioning in search of the gold that I knew was buried deep inside my soul. In the early days of this journey, I was confronted with the harsh reality that my days were filled with caring for everyone else but myself. What I have learned is that I am only able to contribute to the world that which I am able to give to myself and so my desire for compassion towards others had to turn to mastering self-compassion first. I had to bring more awareness to the relationship I have with myself and make a firm commitment to work through and love myself just as I am. And so, grace became the theme of my evolution.
What I didn’t realize initially was that while I grew in my capacity to extend grace towards myself over this time, this grace still came with conditions. Conditions that reflected the deep-rooted belief that my value is determined by my “doing” instead of my “being”.

Self-compassion is a beautiful thing, but it takes practice, consistency and a ton of patience. With my newfound awareness and desire for complete freedom, I have stepped into a space where I am allowing grace to just be grace – no strings attached, no expectations, no conditions.
Most days I still find it hard to love myself in this way but my Tiny Tags charm serves as a reminder that my flaws and imperfections are covered by God’s grace and His grace alone.
Let grace be grace.
Photographer: Vicki Knights @vickiknights.branding on Instagram and @vickiknightsphotography on Facebook