I Am Enough

In 2019, after suffering two miscarriages, my husband and I had our third child. One week later, he lost his job and by the end of that year, I had lost mine too. Our next few holidays were extremely difficult, but we make it through. On New Year's Day 2020, I made a resolution: To write my own story. I decided to walk by faith and launch my business on March 16, 2020 - just days before we were forced into a national shut-down brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. That year, I stayed unconditionally committed to building my company, and we grew by 1600% before the end of the year.
I have two Tiny Tags charm. My first reads, "Genius" on the front, with a rainbow on the back. The word "Genius" is a representation of my company's name, Behavior Genius. The rainbow symbolizes what I had lost prior, as well as all that I gained once the storm was over. My second Tiny Tags charm reads, "1000." I bought it for myself to celebrate after I was selected to join the 2021 Forbes Next 1000 List. The Forbes Next 1000 list acknowledges entrepreneurial heroes all across the U.S. who are making their mark in the small business realm. As a woman of color, never in a million years did I expect to even be in the running with people who earn seats at these types of tables. Two years ago, I had no plan. I was afraid, I was broken, and I felt lonely even when others were cheering me on. But I am living, breathing proof that God keeps his promises. My Tiny Tags remind me of that fact, and of my own resilience every single morning when I wash my face. I never take them off.

I have a really difficult time celebrating my wins. Mostly because by the time I reach a new height, I am already busy pushing toward the next milestone, or reminding myself that there is more work to be done. My Tiny Tags are a reminder that if I do not meet another accomplishment in my life, I am - and will still be - ENOUGH, right here where I am. Every time I am asked what's on my necklace, I am given another opportunity to share my testimony with others.
- Portia