One Big Happy Family

One Big Happy Family
I remember being a teenager and dreaming about what I would name my first girl. Then as a young adult, I knew for sure that being a mother one day was a deep desire. At age 21, I had Alexa! She was, and still is, perfect in my eyes!
I married my husband Mark when I turned 28 and Alexa was 7. We started trying to have more children right away. My husband wanted a big family. 7 years later, we were still not pregnant. Those were the longest years of my life. Month after month, we prayed for good news. We finally decided to try IVF and were blessed with twin boys, Rey and Rylan! They filled us all with so much joy and Alexa finally had her siblings.
When the boys were about 1 years old, I got pregnant on my own, but had an ectopic pregnancy. It was a really hard moment for us. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to try again. After a couple of years, right before I turned 40, we decided to try to have another baby. We did IVF again. To our surprise, we were pregnant with triplets! All girls! Two identical and one fraternal. You can imagine our faces when we first found out. God answered our prayers of having a big family and he did it in 3 pregnancies.
My beautiful Tiny Tags, engraved with all 6 of my children’s names, is a celebration of life for me. When I look at those names, I get tears in my eyes because they were all my miracles! I am so thankful and blessed. I wear my Tiny Tags with a humble heart because I get to be their mama.
—Michelle Cassara