Lucky to Have Londynn

Lucky to Have Londynn
Londynn was born March 30, 2017 at 5:10 AM, weighing 4 lbs. 7 oz. and 17 inches long. Shortly after being born, Londynn went into the NICU and was there for 2 1/2 weeks. Those 2 1/2 weeks truly tested my faith! Having a baby in the NICU is so hard! I would never in my wildest dreams wish that upon any family.
After lots of prayers, love, and support, we were finally able to bring Londynn home (on oxygen). This was an additional challenge. I got so attached to the monitor and day-to-day life with oxygen, that by the time she was ready to be taken off oxygen, it was unthinkable and scary. This is where you have to choose faith over fear.
Londynn has proved to so many people that she isn’t Down syndrome and Down syndrome isn’t her. She’s a fighter and she shows that daily. I believe a lot of kids with special needs don’t get the chance to be who they truly are. This isn’t fair! They are more than their diagnosis. In the last four months, Londynn has taught us to live with a little extra love, kindness, faith, and strength. Being 20 years old, I would have never thought I would be LUCKY enough to have Londynn! It’s rare for a couple our age to have a baby with T21. This is how we know Londynn was hand-picked for our family. God knew we needed her. 21 was always just a number to us until our baby girl was diagnosed with T21. Now it’s our LUCKY number!
For the pediatrician in the hospital, who told us it was bad luck that our baby was diagnosed with Down Syndrome, we now realize we’ve hit the jackpot! Life has changed in the best way for our family. We truly feel so LUCKY and blessed to be parents to Londynn. No words could ever describe how much she means to us, yet we can tell you are hearts would be empty without her. She truly is our heaven here on earth. My Ting Tags has meant the world to me. I wear it daily! I have a really hard time being away from her. She truly is our whole world. My Tiny Tag brings comfort to me when I’m away from her. I believe it’s because I carry her name so close to my heart. Everyday when I put on my Tiny Tags necklace, it reminds me how lucky we are to be parents to such a beautiful little girl!