Sarah Wright Olsen: Your Zen Mama

This week we chatted with actress, entrepreneur, and co-founder of Your Zen Mama, Sarah Wright Olsen.
TINY TAGS: Would you share your greatest joy since becoming a mom?
SARAH: Watching my children grow and change and seeing them apply what they are learning to life. When my son does something outside of his comfort zone, the excitement that comes over is face is everything. It makes me burst inside.
TINY TAGS:What has been the most challenging part of motherhood?
SARAH: I want to do everything I can to give them a strong foundation. Finding the balance of being a working mom and being present with them can be challenging.
TINY TAGS: Your Zen Mama is a wonderful website for bringing mothers together. What was your inspiration for starting the site?
SARAH: When Teresa and I were pregnant (and then new mommies), we were brainstorming ideas that we had about growing a positive parenting community for families, caregivers, doulas, etc. We wanted to create an online village for people to write, express, explore, ask questions, and feel inspired. We also wanted to write and be open about our own personal journeys during our pregnancies and as new mamas navigating a very different world.
TINY TAGS: How do you balance running Your Zen Mama and being a mom?
SARAH: I try to do most of my work during naps and at night when they both go to sleep. This doesn’t always happen, so I also get help sometimes to try and get a lot done in a short amount of time. Making a list is really helpful.
TINY TAGS: Any advice for future moms?
SARAH: Go with the flow. Follow your baby’s cues, not just feeding cues.
TINY TAGS: It seems like you love to travel. Where is your next destination?
SARAH: We are leaving for Spain in a couple of weeks. Germany and London will follow. We LOVE to travel with our kids, and show them different cultures.
TINY TAGS: What charities are near and dear to your heart?
SARAH: Baby2Baby is an amazing organization! Also, A Walk on Water. They provide surf therapy for special needs kids.
TINY TAGS: Describe your perfect day.
SARAH: Any day with my family, drinking coffee, having delicious food, and enjoying time with just the four of us. No distractions.