
I recently discovered Tiny Tags from an influencer I absolutely adore, Madi Nelson. I saw she was going to be doing a collaboration with Tiny Tags and I quickly became obsessed! I always loved her necklaces, especially the one she wore with all of her childrens' names. I think it’s so special to have their names so close to your heart and something you can wear daily.
Around this time, my birthday was coming up and I told my boyfriend I would like something super special from Tiny Tags! I didn’t give him that much information on what I wanted, I just said create your own and gave him full control. That’s the one thing I love about Tiny Tags - you get to be so creative and personalize your piece to be for you and only you.
My birthday came along and my boyfriend ended up surprising me with a custom Tiny Tags necklace that was was absolutely gorgeous. There were 2 charms on it, a Mini Dog Tag with the numbers 11:11 on one side, and his name (Kyle) engraved with a heart on the other side. As well as a Vertical Name charm with his name. I love having his name so close to my heart on a piece that I wear every single day. 11:11 is something super special to our relationship, and to the eye nobody would know the true meaning behind it.
In the beginning of our relationship, we both were in a weird part of our lives. I broke off an engagement, and he just got out of a four year long relationship. We didn’t really think about a long-term relationship at the time we met. We used to work together at a solar panel company, but I was the office girl and he was an installer so we never really saw each other - just at our holiday parties! However we always followed each other on Instagram and one day we just started talking - it was at a point where I finally felt like I can start seeing somebody after I ended things with my ex fiancé. We went on a date to get tacos and margaritas and ever since then we have been inseparable.
So why 11:11? In the early stages of our relationship we both started seeing the number 11 or the time 11:11. We would be driving somewhere and see the exit sign we had to get off at was 11, or we would be both at work and would text each other at the same exact time - 11:11. This went on for months!
We started researching deeper into the actual meaning of 1111, which ultimately can be interpreted as a message from your angels or the world telling you that you're in the right place and this path you’re on is something you deserve, serving as a reminder to keep striving for it. When we both sat down and read the meaning, we looked at each other and had a sense of peace. At the time were questioning if it was too soon to get into a relationship, and I truly believe this sign was somebody telling us "no, keep going."
Fast forward to now, 11:11 is something that we continue to see in our relationship. We have been dating for over a year and a half now and it’s some thing that we will always hold near and dear to our heart. Having this on my necklace is a reminder that I am finally at peace and happy in my relationship with a man that I love more than words can describe.
I can’t wait till we eventually can add our childrens' names to my necklace! Tiny Tags is something I always use as a gift for a new moms, especially working as a nurse in labor and delivery. I always mention these sweet, personalized necklaces because they are just so perfect, dainty and so easily customizable! Tiny Tags you will forever be a part of my life and I’m so happy to share my story with you guys!
- Olivia Martin (@livmartin01)