My Fur Baby

My fur baby and love of my life, Schatzi, started not feeling well around Christmas 2019. She slowly stopped eating, didn’t have energy, drive, silliness, or any of her normal spunk and sassiness.
I was obviously very concerned and brought her to the vet after a few weeks of not improving. I knew she wasn’t healthy and wasn’t eating, but was shocked and devastated to find that she had lost more than two pounds (and was only five to begin with). The vet was obviously also concerned and did bloodwork.
The blood work came back a few days later and on January 9th she was diagnosed with renal failure. Of course this crushed me. Due to her age there was not really much to do except spoil her and try and get her to eat. This was not easy but I found some things (like ice cream) that she liked. However, a month later, at almost 15 years old, she was just not her happy, glamorous self anymore. She was a very picky eater, walked crooked, had open wounds that never healed, whined, yelped, often lost her balance and didn’t enjoy life anymore like she always had. Her body was just shutting down.
Because of this, I had to make the impossible but selfless decision to end her suffering. I spent the next day doing nothing but spoiling her before letting her cross the rainbow bridge, surrounded by love and cuddled in her favorite blanket (which I still sleep with every night).
Of course I was (and am) completely devastated and beside myself. We both went through so much together in 15 years. She was my BFF, my fur baby (like a daughter to me), my therapist, and the best pain relief. I truly have her to thank - I don’t know if I would be here without her. God put her in my life because he knew I needed her. I am so proud, honored and blessed that I got to be her fur mama.
I tried (and am still trying) to remember and be very happy and grateful for the life we’ve had together - the fun, even the sad times, we’ve been through it all together. She lived such a fulfilling life and I HAD to allow her to go peacefully before she suffered more, because she spent her ENTIRE life caring for me, it was the least I could do for her. I can’t wait to see her again, but until then, my Tiny Tag reminds me that she was once by my side, but she will ALWAYS be in my heart.